Z-GOG: Zero Gravity Octagonal Garden

Z-GOG: Zero Gravity Octagonal Garden

This is a video demoing my entry to the NASA & Instructables Growing Beyond Earth Contest.

Project Overview

I designed and built this prototype zero gravity octagonal garden, or Z-GOG, as part of a NASA sponsored contest on Instructables. The contest details can be found here: https://www.instructables.com/contest/beyondEarth/ I spent probably way too long on this project but it was good prototyping exercise and a high tech project that demonstrated my skills and I could actually share the details of it with everyone. I ended up being a runner up winner with my submission found here: https://www.instructables.com/id/Z-GOG-Zero-Gravity-Octagonal-Garden/ If you have any questions on the probably way too long write-up feel free to contact me!